Inspiration board and quote for your wedding

First contact
By telephone or e-mail, inform us of your project.
First date
Following our first call, we will organize a physical or video meeting to discuss your expectations together. We will refine our first ideas in order to focus on a theme and establish a first exhaustive list of your needs in terms of flowers.

Inspiration board
Following our first meeting, it is possible to create an inspiration board according to the chosen theme to help you plan ahead. However, as its name suggests, it is an INSPIRATION board, which does not mean that you will have a copy/paste on the big day, but a similar general atmosphere.
Paid service: €50. (not required)
First quote
After agreeing on your wishes, it is time to make a first quote. The more information we have, the more complete and therefore realistic our quote will be. It is therefore necessary that you have already thought carefully about the question following our first meeting.

Email returns
Following sending your first quote, you benefit from three free email returns to finalize your order.
Beyond that, an hourly rate of €25/h will be applied.
Project validation
Once the quote is to your liking, you can return it signed with the deposit check in order to reserve your place for your wedding date. Without this feedback, the date in question is not exclusively reserved for you.